
Saturday, April 6, 2013

Balancing The Chakras Through The Use of Energy.

Peace Fam,

So with all this chakra talk, I think it is time to learn how to balance them without stones or yoga poses! If you have already began to meditate, great. If not, let's begin today.

Keeping your chakras balanced can do wonders for your mood and health. Chakra is the Sanskrit word for "wheel" so let's think spinning wheels of energy and light.

First we must find a quiet and comfortable space. Low light or darkness is best. No music, no sound, just breath. Legs folded, fingers together or the back of the hands on the knees. We begin to focus on breathing. While breathing in deeply we are filling our bellies and not our chest. The tongue should be at the roof of the mouth, face relaxed.
Take about 3-5 deep breaths before you begin. Quiet your mind from all the daily clutter, just focus on breath.Begin at your Root chakra at the base of the spine. Imagination is everything. The Universe is Mind. Imagine the color red at your Root chakra. Womens' chakras spin clockwise, Men counter-clockwise. You mind should naturally know which way your chakra is spinning though. Your chakra will feel stuck if you try to reverse the natural rotation.
Ask your chakra to open and rotate at correct speed. It should spin quickly once fully opened, but do not expect perfection if this is your first time paying attention to them.
With each chakra we are focusing their designated color of light to them. The more you do this, the more natural it becomes.

That's it! It's that simple. When your done, get up and go eat some fruit. We get more Chi from fruit as opposed to eating meat, in which our bodies use up more energy in order to digest it properly. So eat up on the bananas, strawberries and blackberries.


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