
Saturday, April 6, 2013

Anahata-The Heart Chakra

The  fourth chakra on our physical body is the Heart Chakra or Anahata. This chakra is represented by the color green and sometimes pink. The Heart chakra is located in the middle of the chest. Anahata can be used as a gateway into other dimensions once properly opened and functioned. The Sanskrit word Anahata actually means "unstuck" which I think fits the heart chakra perfectly, being as though you can travel interdimensionally with it's help. In this chakra we find love, happiness, kindness and peace. This chakra governs the circulatory system, the lungs, lymph, and immune system.

Balanced-A balanced heart chakra allows us to be empathetic. We have healthy, functioning relationships and romance. We contain a sincere care and compassion for nature and others. Creativity is allowed to flow through us freely. It should be noted that successful poets, artists or authors most likely had their heart chakra activated.

Unbalanced-One with a closed or unbalanced heart chakra can be an emotional wreck.We can stream from both extremes, from to domineering and demanding, to feel unworthy and not recognizing self worth. One could be lacking self love, fearing rejection and also have fears of letting people go. We can also become very vengeful and full of hate.

Rose Quartz is great for bringing this chakra back into balance. Malachite and Emerald are also good stones for the heart. Cat Pose & Fish Pose are good yoga poses for this chakra.

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