
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Ajna-Third Eye Chakra

The Third Eye is the 6th chakra on our physical bodies, also called the pineal gland. Its color is indigo or dark blue. Once activated, the our third eye allows us to experience our extra sensory abilities. Gifts such as clairvoyance, clairalience (clear smell), clairaudience (clear hearing), empath, astral travel, telepathy, remote viewing and many more, come once we have opened our third eye. Yes, a sixth sense or ESP(extra sensory perception) can be obtained by everyone, especially people with a high concentration of melanin.

Within balance- When our third eye is balanced we can achieve the gifts I've stated above. Some people may also to able to see auras and spirits. Self-mastery comes to be, as well as mastery of our environment. We understand the bigger picture in synchronized events and become more aware of the messages or signals that the Universe and Nature is providing for us.

Without balance-We can become extremely dogmatic. Narcissism, mental instability, and delusion can also follow an unbalanced third eye. We may jump to conclusions and are unaware of the lesson behind events we experience.

A great way to bring this chakra into balance is through mediation. Focus your two eyes towards the middle of your brows. You should begin to feel pressure where your pineal gland in placed, but do not overwork or strain yourself. Moderation is best.
Meditation with Amethyst, Sodalite, or Blue Tourmaline can be practiced to open this chakra.
Downward Dog is a good yoga pose for this chakra.

Peace fam

Monday, April 8, 2013

Spirit Science-Dimensions

I decided to pick out one of the episodes that resonate with me, instead of going in ascending order. Check it out. Courtesy of Jordan David Pearce. 


Sunday, April 7, 2013

Vishuddha(Throat Chakra)

Our Throat chakra is the fifth chakra on our physical bodies, located in the middle of the neck. It is associated with the color blue. We express and voice our opinions through this chakra. This chakra rules communication and speech. The mouth, hands, arms, neck and throat are all controlled by our throat chakra.

Balanced-When the Vishuddha is balanced we find it easy to express ourselves to others. We also become good listeners through this chakra. This is the communication chakra so we are able to transmit telepathically through the Vishuddha, contrary to the popular belief that the third eye rules all psychic abilities. We are able to speak to people in this dimension as well as beings on higher or lower planes. We are also able to hear and speak to our inner selves, what some people call intuition or our conscience.

Unbalanced-You will find individuals with under or overactive throat chakras to have tendencies to lie. They do not listen to others so well and can become quite shy when speaking to others. They cannot express their wants or needs successfully.

Aquamarine, Angelite & Blue Calcite  are good stones for meditating with while tuning the throat chakra. Fish Pose and Camel Pose help tune this chakra as well.

Peace fam

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Balancing The Chakras Through The Use of Energy.

Peace Fam,

So with all this chakra talk, I think it is time to learn how to balance them without stones or yoga poses! If you have already began to meditate, great. If not, let's begin today.

Keeping your chakras balanced can do wonders for your mood and health. Chakra is the Sanskrit word for "wheel" so let's think spinning wheels of energy and light.

First we must find a quiet and comfortable space. Low light or darkness is best. No music, no sound, just breath. Legs folded, fingers together or the back of the hands on the knees. We begin to focus on breathing. While breathing in deeply we are filling our bellies and not our chest. The tongue should be at the roof of the mouth, face relaxed.
Take about 3-5 deep breaths before you begin. Quiet your mind from all the daily clutter, just focus on breath.Begin at your Root chakra at the base of the spine. Imagination is everything. The Universe is Mind. Imagine the color red at your Root chakra. Womens' chakras spin clockwise, Men counter-clockwise. You mind should naturally know which way your chakra is spinning though. Your chakra will feel stuck if you try to reverse the natural rotation.
Ask your chakra to open and rotate at correct speed. It should spin quickly once fully opened, but do not expect perfection if this is your first time paying attention to them.
With each chakra we are focusing their designated color of light to them. The more you do this, the more natural it becomes.

That's it! It's that simple. When your done, get up and go eat some fruit. We get more Chi from fruit as opposed to eating meat, in which our bodies use up more energy in order to digest it properly. So eat up on the bananas, strawberries and blackberries.


Anahata-The Heart Chakra

The  fourth chakra on our physical body is the Heart Chakra or Anahata. This chakra is represented by the color green and sometimes pink. The Heart chakra is located in the middle of the chest. Anahata can be used as a gateway into other dimensions once properly opened and functioned. The Sanskrit word Anahata actually means "unstuck" which I think fits the heart chakra perfectly, being as though you can travel interdimensionally with it's help. In this chakra we find love, happiness, kindness and peace. This chakra governs the circulatory system, the lungs, lymph, and immune system.

Balanced-A balanced heart chakra allows us to be empathetic. We have healthy, functioning relationships and romance. We contain a sincere care and compassion for nature and others. Creativity is allowed to flow through us freely. It should be noted that successful poets, artists or authors most likely had their heart chakra activated.

Unbalanced-One with a closed or unbalanced heart chakra can be an emotional wreck.We can stream from both extremes, from to domineering and demanding, to feel unworthy and not recognizing self worth. One could be lacking self love, fearing rejection and also have fears of letting people go. We can also become very vengeful and full of hate.

Rose Quartz is great for bringing this chakra back into balance. Malachite and Emerald are also good stones for the heart. Cat Pose & Fish Pose are good yoga poses for this chakra.

Depletion of Ignorance

I felt the need to take a moment out to speak about just what this metaphysical thing is about.

Metaphysics by definition: a division of philosophy that is concerned with the fundamental nature of reality and being and that includes ontology, cosmology, and often epistemology

Etymology: Phusikos which is greek for natural ; meta meaning altered, changed or beyond

Now that we've got that out the way, metaphysics is what exists beyond the physical realm. Understand that this physical reality, what you can detect with the five senses, is only a small, very tiny part of what life truly is. Remember when they told you majority of people are only using 10 percent of their brain power. Well, once we tap into that other 90%, we view life with a totally different eye.

Most people have abilities such as being psychic, having clairvoyance and intuition. Although most people do not realize their own potential because their awareness levels are so low! No, being psychic is not reserved for the tv and movies, or the lady with the tarot cards. Most of us have these abilities. Most of us affect our realities by thought without even noticing it. We usually thank the man in the sky, disregarding our own skills without hesitation.

Now I did not begin this post to bash Christians. That is not what I am here for. To each his own. But I did start this to begin to educate others and raise awareness among all.

With metaphysics we get back to nature. We understand the Ra(the Sun), Luna(the Moon), the grass, animals, and have a sincere compassion for all. We understand the 5 elements. Fire,Water,Air,Earth and Ether. All of which is in everyone at different degrees. A direct reflection on the elements is your zodiac sign. How Leo and Aries are Fire. Scorpio and Pisces(both extremely intuitive) are Water,Taurus being Earth. The elements are also reflective of certain gifts. Like the Pisces being intuitive and damn near psychic, Waters are psychic. Airs contain the Clairs(Clairvoyants etc.). I believe Earths are skilled at telekinesis. Fires decode and detect energies. As above so below, so they can also transmit energy skillfully.

Let's continue. My true goal is to see the ignorance depleted. With ignorance comes fear and guys, there is truly nothing to fear. You can't be fearful of Satan knowing he is just a personification of a part of the lower self, what we call the ego. God being the personification of the higher self, what we call the "Self", the true self.

We have been programmed to fear the esoteric. Conditioned to call our ancient history evil. Because, the few on top know if the masses ever found out what they were about, it would be over for the modern world slavery and new world order.

To get back on topic, let's talk about Magick! I'll put it out there now, magick is not evil. Magick is a tool for people to use to have this 3rd dimension reality work for them. We do deserve to be happy, healthy, and wealthy don't we?? Remember when I told you earlier there is more than this physical reality. Yea, it gets better than this. Life gets better than the everyday struggle to live. We knew in Ancient Kemet of the elements and how to manipulate energy. Of course this is a different age so we must upgrade accordingly. Anyway, I think it's time to go back to our roots. And the only way to go back is to go forwards right??

Peace fam, my email inbox is always open.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Intro to Candle Magick

Let's talk about Candle Magick! !Read all the way through so you don't miss anything! I use candles as an energy transference/creator. If you're looking for a basic gateway into the practice of magick, candle magick is the way to go. It becomes very simple after that first ritual. Kind of like riding a bike. Candles are coordinated by colors. So depending on what ever result you are attempting to achieve, you must align your candle's color with it's purpose.

Here are the colors and their purpose:

White-Purification,Clearing,Cleaning,Healing, Peace, Used for the Ancestors, also can be substituted for all colors
Black-Binding, Protection, Banishing, Summoning dark spirits,
Purple-Intuition,Healing of major diseases, Physic Ability, Power, Mastery, Prophetic Dreams, Controlling/Commanding
Blue-Healing, Communication, Abundance, Harmony, Peace
Green-Money, Properity, Wealth, Business Success, Good Luck
Pink-Love, Friendships, Attraction
Orange-Concentration, Creativity, Control, Legal Matters
Red-Sex Magick,Power, Courage, Romance, Fertility Spells
Yellow-Happiness, Gold, Court Cases, Mental Clarity

Now, once you've got your candle, you must dress it with an essential oil aligned with it's purpose.
For example, Bergamont is excellent for banishing, also can be used for money spells. Lavender can be used for purifying your energy or to promote love.I am not going to list the oils here. The list can be extensive.

Although, I will tell you how to dress it. If you are pulling in an energy, say you want to bring prosperity to yourself, you will dab a little Pine oil on your fingertips, start from the top of the candle and pull the oil towards the middle. Stop at the middle. Take a bit more oil, begin at the bottom of your candle, taking the oil all the way to the middle. I dress my candle till all sides are covered. Creating a twisting motion works fine as well.

Now, if you are sending energy away, for example, banishing a bad habit, you will begin from the middle and pull outwards to the ends of the candle.

As you dress your candles, you are also "talking" to it. Whether you choose to do this verbally or not is up to you. You are basically commanding you candle. Telling your candle it's purpose and the goal you have for it. If you are already skilled in sending your own energy to an object(gemstones for instance), doing this with your candle will enhance the results.

If using glass encased candles, just rub a few drops on top.

Your candles can also talk back to you. Flames have different meanings.
Low flame-There is a strong obstacle, results may reveal slowly.More work may have to be done
High flame-Candle will be successful is gaining results
Jumping flame-Possible spiritual battle or it could be the called on spirit speaking to you. Watch for omens on the glass, if glass encased.
Flame is sizzling or hissing, a message coming through from a spiritual being
Black soot on top of glass-negativity showing up
White soot-obstacles or your spirits were successful
White smoke-your spirits hear you and are working in your favor

If using glass encased candles watch the images that appear on the glass. This sort of divination will give you further sight into your works.

Always have faith that your work is being done. If you doubt yourself, you can bet you will not get any results back.

Know the laws of the Universe. If you choose to use this practice to harm another, EXPECT what you put out to come right back at you.

Worried about where you are going to place your candle?? Make an alter. Alters can be set up on a clear dresser or a small table.
Items that can be placed on your alter:
Soil from the earth
Sea Salt water
Pictures of saints and deities
Pictures of ancestors
Flowers(Living,not plastic)

Make it reflective of you. Make it your own.

Never put your candle out with water or by hand. Place a cup or plate over it to cut oxygen supply.

I'll end it here. If you have any questions, feel free to send me an email.
