Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Crocodile - Tarot Corner

This card corresponds with the Fool card in the Rider-Waite tarot deck. Faith, new beginnings and a sense of folly are represented with this card. The Fool can either be at the beginning or end of the Major Arcana. In this depiction we see the fool carrying his bags while going on his journey. We also see a crocodile at his feet.

The fool feels a sense of freedom. With no particular way to go, he continues on regardless, trusting that he will end up exactly where he needs to be. The fool is a younger individual. Not very mature or very well learned, hence the sense of folly and naivety about. Even though a hint of danger is near, he has faith that he will be able to steer clear of such misfortune. This card signifies a strong faith and trust in the Universe/Higher Power. New beginnings, a new direction, an end to one phase as well as the beginning to another is indicated with this tarot card.

If this card is pulled for you in a reading, it's saying trust in your guides and guardians. Trust that you are walking the right path and that instances are aligned with your purpose.

Lilith's Seventh

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