
Monday, March 25, 2013

Muladhara(Root/Base Chakra)

The Root Chakra is the first chakra in the physical body. This chakra is located at the base of the spine and vibrates the color Red. As we know, red is the lowest vibrating wavelength on the visible light spectrum, hence Muladhara being the lowest chakra in our physical self. The legs, feet, and sexual reproductive organs are ruled by this chakra.

Balanced- This chakra grants you the feeling of being grounded, safe and centered. You gain a sense of confidence that you can survive, regardless of the situation that is handed to you.

Unbalanced-With an unbalanced Root Chakra, you begin to feel restless and naturally ungrounded. You become fearful and insecure about the self and the manifestations of the self. Impulsiveness and aggression are also symptoms of an unbalanced root chakra.

Red foods like tomatoes and apples help bring the Root Chakra back into balance. Yoga poses such as the Warrior pose, Mountain pose and the bridge pose all aid in its balancing. Red and black gemstones i.e. Ruby, Black Tourmaline, Hermatite, will help bring this chakra back into balance. Simply wearing red also brings the chakra to balance.


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