Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Manipura(Solar Plexus) Chakra

The 3rd chakra on the physical body is the Solar Plexus or Manipura. This chakra is associated with the color yellow and is located between the rib cage and the navel. We realize Self and identity through this chakra. The Solar Plexus relates to the spleen, upper abdomen, liver, gall bladder, pancreas and intestines.

Unbalanced-When our Solar Plexus is unbalanced we experience a domineering attitude. We become very self conscious and feel the need to feed off of other people's energy, what you can label as energy vampirism. We can experience anxieties, insomnia and panic attacks. We lack the courage and inner strength needed to live confidently.

Balanced-With a balanced Solar Plexus, you become sure of yourself. You know your place in the world. You contain the confidence and self esteem to live out your purpose. You can maintain healthy relationships and friendships. Due to the confidence of self, you are likely to be successful in all your endeavors.

Consuming  foods such as bananas. ginger and dairy products all help bring the Solar Plexus into balance. A seated twist is a good pose for this chakra. Citrine and Topaz are awesome gemstones to help bring this chakra into balance.


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Spirit Science Ep.1

I love,love LOVE, these short cartoons. There are about 15 episodes altogether, probably more now. If you're interested in creation and manifestation on a conscious level, please do watch these. They are great videos to show children as well.

Lilith's Seventh Metaphysical Store

Lilith's Seventh is a manifestation, a tool of creation focused on offering homemade and handmade spiritual items to the  entire population. Not only are oils, incense, soaps and much more available, Lilith's Seventh also has a network of hand chosen individuals ready to provide you with services such as Tarot Readings, Clairvoyant Readings, Custom Baths and Spellworkings. Quality and results are important to us. All items here are sold as curios.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Svadhisthana(Sacral Chakra)

The 2nd Chakra in our physical body,located right below the navel, is the Sacral Chakra, or Svadhisthana. This chakra governs our inner creativity, passion and sexuality. It is represented by the color orange and relates to our sexual organs and hormones.

Balanced-With a balanced Sacral Chakra, we able to empathize with others.We feel with this energy center. We are re-aligned with self-acceptance, intimacy, and sexual drive/energy.

Unbalanced-When we have an unbalanced Sacral Chakra on our hands, we experience a decrease in sexual desire. We suffer from guilt, blame, and insecurity. We find it harder to express the creative side of our being.

Orange foods such as oranges, tangerines and carrots will help bring this energy wheel back into balance. Child's Pose and Triangle Twist aid in balance the energy at this center. Orange gemstones such as Amber or  Tiger's Eye are great to meditate with on this chakra. Also, wearing orange can bring balance.


Muladhara(Root/Base Chakra)

The Root Chakra is the first chakra in the physical body. This chakra is located at the base of the spine and vibrates the color Red. As we know, red is the lowest vibrating wavelength on the visible light spectrum, hence Muladhara being the lowest chakra in our physical self. The legs, feet, and sexual reproductive organs are ruled by this chakra.

Balanced- This chakra grants you the feeling of being grounded, safe and centered. You gain a sense of confidence that you can survive, regardless of the situation that is handed to you.

Unbalanced-With an unbalanced Root Chakra, you begin to feel restless and naturally ungrounded. You become fearful and insecure about the self and the manifestations of the self. Impulsiveness and aggression are also symptoms of an unbalanced root chakra.

Red foods like tomatoes and apples help bring the Root Chakra back into balance. Yoga poses such as the Warrior pose, Mountain pose and the bridge pose all aid in its balancing. Red and black gemstones i.e. Ruby, Black Tourmaline, Hermatite, will help bring this chakra back into balance. Simply wearing red also brings the chakra to balance.
