
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Lilith's Featured Herb: Galangal (Little John)

Galangal or Little John is a herb of many uses. One of those uses being to protect oneself from trouble with the law or to grant favor in court cases. Galangal can be used in gris gris bags or carried in the pockets. It is known that spitting while chewing galangal in a court room will give you favor with the judge. Galangal is also a money drawing herb and a herb of luck.  Burning galangal uncrosses and breaks jinxes. You can also chew this herb to attract money to yourself.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Lilith's Featured Herb: Patchouli

Keywords: Money, Wealth, Uncrossing, Jinx Breaking, Hex Breaking, Protection, Luck

Patchouli is well known as an addition to household potpourri as well as colognes and perfumes, as it gives off a very musky and sultry scent. Patchouli is a bushy herb with pinkish white flowers. it is found in the warmer regions of the world. In the magickal world, Patchouli is an herb of uncrossing and prosperity. Patchouli, paired with Five Finger Grass, Alkanet and other such herbs, create a money drawing effect. Patchouli will bring you luck during gambling and other chance games. This herb can also be used for hex/jinx breaking. You can use the oil with reversal candles or in protection gris gris.

Here is a money drawing powder that contains bits of patchouli.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Cascarilla!! Limpia and Protection

Keywords: Cleansing, Purification, Dispels Evil Spirits, Protection, Sigil Drawing

Whole eggs of chickens and black hens are known among several religions and spiritual practitioners, to provide cleansing (limpia) and purification in various rituals. The eggshell itself in powdered form will also provide this cleansing and protection. Powdered eggshell, also called cascarilla,  can be combined with different herbs or formulas to create a strong protection for a individual. It can also be used in bathing rituals for cleansing or protection purposes. You can also use it to draw sigils. I incorporate powdered eggshells and eggs in my spiritual rituals quite often. Try mixing it with red brick dust powder to provide and effective barrier of negativity at your doorstep.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Learn To Protection And Cleanse Yourself With Magic

Cleansing is a spiritual practitioners best friend. Regularly cleansing yourself increases the strength of your aura, enabling you to battle any negativity that comes your way. 
Incorporating magical defense rituals also is very important. Protecting ourselves form lower vibratory entities and elements is significant to our well-being. Within this reading you will find various methods on protecting yourself as well your home and other surroundings. You will also learn methods and new spells that will purify you and your space with this ebook
As practitioners of the arts, we are granted the ability to attract our wants and needs. As an added bonus, you will also learn how working with the Venusian energies can create wealth and prosperity within your life. 

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Frankincense & Myrrh

Keywords: Purification, Cleansing, Protection, Consecrating
Frankincense is a cleansing and purifying herb. I believe that every witch cupboard should be stocked with the resin. It is harvested from the tree sap of aged trees. Frankincense gives off that churchy smell. When used as an incense it clears out and purifies your surroundings as well as yourself. Frankincense oils can also be used to anoint the body and also candles when practicing candle magic. Try pairing it with myrrh when performing cleansing rituals. This will heighten purification properties and also provide protection.