
Monday, September 29, 2014

Featured Herb: Devil's Shoestrings

Keywords: Protection, Gossip, Luck

Devil's Shoestrings (Nolina lindheimeriana) is quite a useful herb to keep in your stash of goodies. This herb is shrub like and is harvested in the warmer months. It shouldn't be consumed as it can be poisonous to the body and also should not be used as an incense as fumes can be toxic.

Now, onto the important stuff (jk, IT'S POISONOUS GUYS, avoid consumption). Devil's Shoestrings is a protection and luck herb. You can throw it in protection sachets or use the powdered form for protection powders. This herb also is great for job and employment advancements. When going on job interviews or when requesting a raise, keep a branch in your pocket, maybe dressed with dragon's blood to spruce it up to your desire. Also known as a "Shut Up" herb. It can be used to end gossip and slanderous talk about someone. Place this herb near your door to "trip up" the devil and any evil attempting to come your way.